Tuesday 22 November 2016

Twitter Party: Sports, RESPs, and $1000 in Prizing in 1 Hour

RESPs, Twitter Party, Parent Life Network, CST Consultants

My son started playing hockey this year. He was so excited all summer waiting for the season to begin. I was excited too but also apprehensive. I worried about him getting hurt (what mother doesn't?) but I also worried about the cost. I want my children to learn and experience everything life has to offer but I also know that some of that money should be invested in my children's futures. 

As Canadian parents, we have big dreams for our kids to follow in the footsteps (skate steps?) of most Canadians before them. Maybe just maybe you are the parent of the next Wayne Gretzky or Sydney Crosby, but you never know unless you invest all your money, time and give up your weekends for out of town tournaments.

Or you can sleep in because 5 AM practice is not for everyone, am I right?
Extracurricular activities can really add up in costs, especially if you have big dreams of going pro. You may even need to get a second (or third) job.
Or you can put the money towards your child education by opening an RESP today and make all of their dreams for the future come true. An education is the best way to ensure your child’s success in the future and starting early saving for it will let your kids know you believed in their dreams even before they knew what they were.

#LetsTalkRESPs Twitter Party
We’re throwing a party! A virtual party. On Twitter. We’re gonna chat about your child’s future and extracurricular activities—like hockey—but also how to save for your child’s education. Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation (CST) Vice-President, Peter Lewis will be on hand to answer any RESP questions you may have. We’re going to be giving away $100 for each question, plus more chances to win for RT’s and participation. New to Twitter parties? No problem, we made this blog for you!

Who: @ParentLifeNet @CSTConsultants
When: Thursday, November 24 at 9 p.m. EST
Where: Twittersphere (using the hashtag #LetsTalkRESPs)
You Need to RSVP for the Chance to Win Cash Prizes!


You Need to RSVP for the Chance to Win Cash Prizes!

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